May 25, 2012

I Knew I Didn't Pour That Water Down There

It was just our turn.

The plumbing never gives you crap until you go back to work.


There's nothing like dribbling water into a coffee pot - just to keep the faucet from leaking under the sink.

~ The foot of a Hero ~

Still wearing work clothes.
Barely finished with supper and clearing stalls - after commuting home from the airport.

We have to face it, Ladies.
THIS is where our Other Half makes up for a lot of Potato Wedgin' on the couch.

Poor Dwayne.
Even this little mess wasn't without tainted ignorance enhancement from previous ownership.

( I know.  But it sounds good - Doesn't it! )

 And this is where frustration from said
" tainted ignorance enhancement from previous ownership "
landed this broken puppy.

But not before roaring - clanking - and other non-recognizable gurglings
sent me - and the pups - running for cover.

Yes.  He did open the back door before humming it out there.

And now we have a cute little replacement that will hang in there until we get the kitchen overhauled.

But that towel is the hint to the next move.

We get to set up extension ladders for more chinking.

Someday - I'll have a bigger window taking care of that!

1 comment:

Queenacres said...

Love the handles on the new one!

Don't even get me started talking about plumbing. I haven't had a working sink in our master bath in 8 years.