March 25, 2011

Super Moons and Tornadoes - Bah, Hum Bug!

Well - if it’s not one thing - it’s another.  The “ Super Moon “ we all saw over this past week decided to dish out quite a bit of struggle for me.

You would be looking at a brand new lockset that we had to purchase.

As if a bad day of plans already jacked up weren’t enough - for whatever reason - the lockset on the back door of our house decided to just - snap.

( Please excuse the mess Carlie left on the glass with muddy feet ! )

This was an issue that only bothered me until Dwayne chopped all the guts out of the inside ( stubborn thing wouldn’t come out easily - of course. ) and set the knob up with a temporary appearance until we got the new lockset.  We used the dead-bolt lock to keep the door secure.

The lockset was replaced just in time.  We ended up with a storm coming through on Wednesday night that left some serious damage in our area.  A tornado rated EF-3 by the National Weather Service got busy only ½ mile away from our daughter, Jennifer, and her boyfriend, Josh.

We live about 10 miles from that location.  However - the tornado traveled right past our house before touching ground.

We - were - BLESSED.  Everything on our back porch was shoved all the way to the eastern end.  Dwayne had to hunt for pieces for the Bar-B-Que Smoker scattered all over the property.

And this was the real kicker.  I guess the tarp was enough for the wind to shove the Chicken Tractor all the way from the door of the yard for the Chicken Coop to our front yard.

A Shepherd’s Hook holding a bird feeder took the brunt - stopping the chicken tractor from going further.  Dwayne will have to fix the bird feeder.

We’ve ended up having to put a lock on the main door to our Chicken coop.  Our egg count dropped from 8-9 to 3-4 almost overnight.  And I’d had two incidents when I found the coop door open.

Jen was visiting with me during the second incident.  We jumped right back up to 8-9 after putting the lock on the door - immediately.

I ended up locking the keys inside the chicken coop on Tuesday morning.  Fortunately - I had enough brains to set them on the window sill.  Popping the screen helped retain some sanity.  Chasing dogs and chickens all day became a total work-out on my body.  However - Productivity took a dump.

We’ve had a few days of really warm weather - until the passing of this storm that came through Wednesday night.

It was time to help Zucker get rid of his winter coat.

I know.  I’m mean.  I couldn’t resist!

Looks even funnier from the back!  He only halfway hated me at this point.

I'll die if this becomes the next " Hip-Hop Hair Noise " fad.

But he was totally disgusted with me after a half-hour of butting heads to get this shot!

Zucker just wasn’t into it.

He got over being mad at me - after I took him to the mirror.

My pups are so vain.


Unknown said...

Wow, sounds like quite storm!

Deb said...

I'm so glad they missed you....they can be scary!

We had a dusting of snow here this's gone now but still, how darned irritating! Go ahead and laugh...have to admit it's kinda funny. Just when we think spring is coming, it turns on us! *giggle*