September 27, 2012

Okay... On To This Next One.

The fall season is doing something funny to my little Oak tree that I insisted be spared from the fence clearing this past year.  I guess it's really easy to tell which side the sun sets.  In a way - it looks a little lopsided.

But in another way - it brings out its own special character!

Have we been busy around here!  Setting in fence posts - wow.  Seems neverending.  But the new area that will allow access between the barn and the RV pad - from the second paddock - is coming along.  All the fence posts and braces are in.

We make a drive to Sweetwater so we can pick up another gate and a feeder bunker this morning.  ( They only had 1 in stock at the Co-Op in Loudon. )  The woven field fence will be going up after we return - along with installation of the two 4' pasture gates.

We have only 9 days left before the Moms and Babies arrive!

And something tells me Bruce can hardly wait.  I think he's more than ready for somebody to redirect Artist's attention.

They remain ' Best Buds ' - forever!  That's obvious whenever I try giving Bruce a chance to take a break with some separation between the two of them.  He just looks at me - and turns back to follow his friend!

But there are times when I get these looks from Bruce that seem to say - " Please ?  Can I please go over to the other paddock - without him ?? "

I've reached the point where I'll be glad when things calm down - once the Moms and Babies are here and settled in.

I'm ready to focus on a couple other projects going on.  One in particular - a Housewarming Party for Jennifer and Josh.

Yep... they bought a house - finally closed the deal - and expect to be moving in by the end of October!

Josh got a bit cute with Jen.  They needed a new mailbox.  He got one set up on the pole and in the ground.  Had her go check the mail the following day - when they headed over to get more cleaning done after working all day long.

Yeah.  Umm... Mailman's gonna need a tall vehicle, too.  ( naww... he fixed it.  Federal regulations, and all... of course. )


Queenacres said...

I can't wait to see the new "kids" you're gonna be busy(er)! LOVE that mailbox! LOL

Deb said...

LOL how funny, love the mailbox...ours seems kinda high here too, but the mailman told us how he wanted it, so thats what we did. It's a little harder to get the mail out of it when we are in the car, cause it's so high...but it's fine in the truck. LOL

Hope you get the fence done, before your cows come home!! :-))

A Lady's Life said...

Having a bigger family is always a lot more fun.
We don't get much mail. Mostly junk mail we could do without.